Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition and highest truth about being worthy of new beginning, That you are the creator of your own reality and you can create a new beginning anytime any minute. That every time you shift your thinking to a positive vibration you are creating a new positive beginning. Would you like to know how to forgive yourself completely for the past and how to take the good learnings and create a new present? That it is possible & safe for you to allow yourself to initiate a new beginning as of this moment and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy of this prayer in the highest & best
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition, and highest truth on how to live your life without feeling poor, without being poor, without the obligation of staying poor. Would you like to know that it is your birthright to be and feel abundant, wealthy and rich, and that you are worthy and you deserve living everyday in richness, that you are safe doing so and that it is possible to do so and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy of this download
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, and highest truth on what it feels like to live your daily life focusing on the positive aspects in yourself, in others and in the world. That you immediately shift your focus from criticism to admiring those who are flowing with the energy of love. That you are able to see the highest truth with positivity in every incident and event in your life….. That it is possible and safe & you are worthy of this & that you are already doing it in the now
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition, understanding, and highest truth on success. How to have success in all aspects of your life, that you already know how to achieve success in whatever you do, that you are worthy of it and that it is possible to be successful in everything you do. Would you like to know how to manifest outside your comfort zone and that you are safe doing so, and that you are already successful in the now?
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition and highest truth about having energy. How to live your daily life with enough energy to face your day. That you always have plenty of energy to accomplish everything you want. That your body is young and forever regenerating and always having lots and lots of energy for yourself and to deal with the world. That you know how to wake up daily with the right energy to fulfill your Divine Timing and Divine purpose. That it is possible & safe for you to have plenty of energy & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition and highest truth about Love & Passion. How to live your daily life with the ability to re-ignite your love & passion with your partner, children, your parents, all the in-laws, relatives, and friends. Knowing that there is always an abundance of love in the universe and it is your birthright to channel more and more of it to your different relationships and to keep the love & passion radiating. How to use the power of forgiveness to re-ignite the love on every level and all aspects in your life. That it is possible & safe for you to re-ignite love and passion and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition and highest truth about the universal divine knowledge that is within your reach to grab in this universe? That you are worthy of tapping into that knowledge and empower yourself without the fear of misusing it or becoming egotistic. That this knowledge is your tool to awaken this planet and fulfill your divine timing. Would you like to know that every cell in your body is longing for that knowledge, and that you know how to live without creating excuses/resistance/delay/or postponing your chance to receive it? That it is possible & safe for you to live your daily life being one with that knowledge and that you are already doing so in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition, and highest truth on how to live without the fear of change. How to live without resisting change. That you know how to embrace change believing in every cell of your being that you will have the right support system to go through it. That you allow change into your life without the fear of abandoning or neglecting your loved ones. That you change into the highest divinity of yourself, becoming a more loving , more compassionate and more powerful being of light. That you are worthy and you deserve all that wonderful change, that you are safe accepting it and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition, and highest truth on all the wonderful guiding messages that the universe sends you daily. Would you like to know how to notice and recognize these messages in all their forms through animals, songs, the wind, the clouds, the rain, friends, facebook status, books, TV shows, movies, family, classes, etc… That you are able to pick up these messages when you hear it the first time through different ways. That you are able to identify these messages and use them to shift your vibration in the highest and best way. That you are safe & ready to open your mind and receive this universal guidance, you are worthy of it, and that it is possible to do so and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition and highest truth about acceptance. How to live your daily life accepting those who are different from you. Accepting different ages, genders, preferences, nationalities, cultures, races, religions….without making everyone who is different your enemy. How to live with the knowing that we are all equal divine sparks of God having this physical experience on planet earth which is home to all. Would you like to know that the more you accept other people’s differences, the faster peace is accomplished. That it is possible & safe for you to allow yourself to accept others’ differences and allow them to accept yours and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition,understanding of success and how to live your life succeeding in everything you do without the fear that success will divert you from your divine timing. That you already know the actions you have to take in order to achieve success in your life. That you already know how to attract success to all aspects of your life and still be grounded, knowing that it is your birth right to be successful in your career/family/love/friendships…. and still be focused on achieving and fulfilling your divine timing with ease and grace. That you already know That it is possible & safe for you to succeed, you allow yourself to be successful and you are already doing so in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition, and highest truth on your inner divine strength & power to save yourself. And that you know how to live your daily life knowing and understanding that you are a spark of God with all the potential inside of you to save yourself and change your life. That you know how to live your live without feeling like a victim & without waiting for others to save you. And that you know how to live trusting in yourself and your divine essence to make all the changes you want through God’s perspective & guidance.…. that you are safe doing so and that it is possible to do so and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition and highest truth about who you are without resentment? Who you are without grudges? Who you are without hate? Who you are without racism? Who you are without prejudice? Who you are without judging yourself? Who you are without criticizing yourself? Who you are without being pitiful? Who you are without being a victim? Who you are without being afraid of other people, other cultures and other religions. That it is possible & safe for you to know who you truly are without all those negative programs and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive this energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition, understanding, and highest truth on empowerment. How to live your daily life being worthy to be empowered by God, your family, your friends, Vianna, your teachers, your children, your boss, your partner, yourself.. That it is your birthright to feel empowered without the fear of misusing your power and without the fear of losing yourself. That you embrace and grab the empowering knowledge that is available for you in the universe without resistance and without fear. That it is possible & safe for you do to so and that you are already doing so in the now.
Say YES to receive this energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition and highest truth about your essence. Would you like to know that you are a divine multi-dimensional being of light with endless potential, endless powers, endless love, and that you know how to live your day to day life shining your love essence outwards to touch everyone in your paradigm and beyond, raising the planet’s vibrations without limitations. That it is possible & safe for you to live your daily life expanding your true essence and that you are already doing so in the now.
Say YES to receive this energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
DOWNLOAD – MAY 26, 2015 — DNA
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, highest truth on what it feels like to awaken and pull up your family’s DNA, and how to allow your family’s DNA to pull you up and bring out the best qualities in you… How to activate all the shadow DNA in you to strengthen your immune system, to feel more youthful with increased vitality, to have greater enthusiasm for life, to have the ability to heal more quickly, to have the ability to release old beliefs, patterns, and thoughts which no longer serve, to have the ability to create new, positive beliefs, patterns, and thoughts for higher purpose, to heighten intuition, to have greater awareness and ability to implement life purpose , to recognize and activate hidden gifts and talents, and to deepen connection to the Divine and awareness of Soul Purpose. That it is possible & you are worthy of this & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive this energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, definition, and highest truth on how to let go of genetic hate & anger. That you have the ability to let go of all the genetic hate and anger that your ancestors have been carrying for generations towards other counties, races, religions, ethnic groups, …. That you are aware that even 1 molecule of God’s love can erase all that hate and heal you and all the generations before you. That you are capable of forgiving them and releasing all that genetic trauma and emotional scars. That it is possible & safe for you to live your daily life with the ability to let go and that you are already doing so in the now.
Say YES to receive this energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective,understanding, and highest truth on what it feels like to live your daily life focusing on the positive aspects in yourself, in others and in the world. That you immediately shift your focus from criticism to admiring those who are flowing with the energy of love, shift your focus from judgement to understanding those who chose to act negatively in a way that supplements their own evolution, and shift your focus on complains to inner happiness and true self without thinking selves as victims in life….. That it is possible & you are worthy of this & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive this energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition, understanding, and highest truth on what it feels like to live your daily life with the divine life force continuously flowing through you. That you know how to chose the right actions, feelings, thoughts and words to support that continuous divine flow..…That you already know how to create the life you desire through the divine life force. That you already know how to align with the divine life force. That it is possible & safe to do so and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive this energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, definition, and highest truth on what if feels like to always be ready for what you want. How to create your own vibrational point of receiving, so you can manifest easily without resistance. That you already know how to get ready for what Universe is sending to your way and you are open to receive what you are manifesting. That you already know what you want and are able to let the energy of receiving flow through you with grace and ease….. That it is possible & you are worthy to let go of your fear of receiving & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive this energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, and highest truth on what it feels like to completely surrender to God, allowing God to positively surprise you with solutions and abundance beyond your expectations…… That you are completely open to this wonderful energy and are ready to receive all the positive surprises that the Universe is sending your way. That you allow yourself to live your daily life allowing wonderful and amazing surprises to show up in every aspect of your life. That it is possible & you are worthy to surrender and to allow the universe to work in your favor and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, definition, and highest truth on what it feels like to release the unwanted excess weight without the fear of losing your virtues. That you know how to eternally maintain your virtues and keep learning new ones regardless of your weight. That you are able to maintain a fit body and have all the virtues that you have learned. That you are able to release all the obligations, promises, and oaths to gain weight in order to keep your virtues..…That it is possible & safe to do so and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, and highest truth on what it feels like to appreciate the gift of having a human body. How to love & cherish your human body, understanding that your body, mind and spirit are one. That you already know how to balance and align your chakras. That you already know how to cleanse all the toxins in the body with grace and ease. That you already know how to take care of all the organs in the highest and best way……That it is possible and safe & you are worthy of it & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, and highest truth on allowing the universe to guide you in making the right decisions without feeling discouraged, frustrated, defeated, and resentful. That every decision that you make, can make a positive change in your life. That you already know where to turn and who to ask in the highest and best way to make a favorable decision for yourself. That you already know how to trust yourself in making a decision that will benefit yourself and others. That you already know how to always choose a better decision. …..That it is possible & you are worthy of always making the right decisions & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, definition and highest truth on power. How to live without putting yourself down, sabotaging your health or success to empower others. Without becoming invisible or forgotten to empower others. without being pushed around, insulted, victimized, disrespected or abused in order to empower others. Would you like to know that you are a powerful spark of creator and it is your birthright to maintain your power and empower others by inspiring them. That you already know how to utilize your power with grace and ease in the highest and best way to help yourself and others excel in positive ways…That it is possible & safe for you to live your daily life maintaining your power and that you are already doing so in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, perspective, and highest truth on what it feels like to succeed in all areas of life. That you already know how to be flexible in allowing success to come from different expected & unexpected directions. That you already know how to achieve success with grace and ease. That you already know you deserve to be successful and it is birthright to be successful. ….That it is possible & you are worthy to do so & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, definition, and highest truth on what it feels like to have patience with yourself to learn, progress, grow, evolve, awaken and attain mastership. That you are always guided by your spiritual guides, guardian angels, and Creator to attain mastership. That you already know how to attain mastership through love, harmony, peace, and happiness. That you already know you are able to attain mastership without fear, self double, and distrust…. That it is possible & you are worthy of this patience for growth & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time and space
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, definition, and highest truth on how to be impervious to your partner’s/family’s/kids’/coworkers’/surrounding’s feelings of: doubt, sadness, sorrow, defeat, stuck, helpless, depression, fear, anxiety, boredom, loss of faith, guilt, midlife crisis, aging, death, criticism, helplessness, ignorance, neglect, unloved remarks, ….That you know how to be compassionate and kind to them, offer them support but without allowing their negativity to affect you or cripple your life.…That you already know there is always a positive purpose behind all the negativities. That you already know how to regain harmony and peace with grace and ease without overly reacting to them. That it is possible & safe for you to do so and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective,understanding, definition, and highest truth on what if feels like to chill out and expect only the greatest things to come to you. That you always allow the universe to surprise you positively. That you are open to receive all the good things coming your way. That you already know how to attract all the good to your life. That you already know how to let go of your limiting beliefs that are blocking your abundance into your life. That it is possible & you are worthy of it & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon
Would you like to know Creator’s understanding, definition, perspective, and highest truth on what it feels like to live your daily life being open to unlimited abundance that the universe can offer you. Knowing how to accept it and receive it without guilt. That you already know how to be in abundant vibrational energy at all time. That you already know how to attract abundance with grace and ease in the highest and best way. That it is your birth right to enjoy abundance while you journey on earth. That it is possible & you are worthy to have unlimited abundance & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon
Would you like to know Creator’s understanding, definition, perspective, and highest truth on what it feels like to live your daily life being open to unlimited abundance that the universe can offer you. Knowing how to accept it and receive it without guilt. That you already know how to be in abundant vibrational energy at all time. That you already know how to attract abundance with grace and ease in the highest and best way. That it is your birth right to enjoy abundance while you journey on earth. That it is possible & you are worthy to have unlimited abundance & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, definition, and highest truth on what it feels like to always feel free on this planet, in your gender, in your physical body, in anywhere you are. How to live your daily life appreciating freedom without obligating others to oppress you, or occupy you, or dominate you, or manipulate you to appreciate it. How to respect other people’s free will & their soul journey while making sure that others also respect your free will too. How to set a healthy boundary that people would respect your free will in all aspects in life and let you be you in your journey on earth. That you know it is your birth right to have free will on every decision you make in life….. That it is possible & you are worthy to be the free divine soul and that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, definition, and highest truth on what if feels like to change your reality. That you are allowed and it is your birthright to change your reality to make it more enjoyable, abundant, safer & peaceful….That you are able to change negative and unfavorable situations to more positive and favorable ones. That you already know how to change your reality with grace and ease in the highest and best way. That you already know that you are a powerful being that you are able to create and change your reality instantly. That it is possible & you are worthy to do so & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, definition, and highest truth on what it feels like to live your daily life maintaining the unconditional love energy without the need to sacrifice, to put yourself last, to criticize yourself, to sabotage yourself, to suppress yourself, to look down on yourself, and to be mad at yourself. Understanding that it is your birth right to stay connected and maintain this divine love energy without loss or pain. That you always know how to maintain unconditional love in the highest and best way. That you already know that you are always supported by this divine love energy if you allow and open to it…… That it is possible & you are worthy of this & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition, understanding, and highest truth on what it feels like to recognize that you are pure positive energy, that you are an extension of the Divine energy. That you already know how to recognize you are the pure positive energy and know how to use this energy to raise others’ vibrations. That you already know the truth about yourself. How to allow yourself to be the loving beings who embrace one another on this planet….. That it is possible & you are worthy to do so & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, understanding, definition, and highest truth on what it feels like to be an uplifter to others without feeling drained. How to hold and maintain the light of the Creator so others can find it without feeling burdened, that you find fulfillment & contentment in doing it. That the light of Creator has become part of your energy and you already know how to share this light with people around you in uplifting way. That you already know how to use this light of Creator to help yourself clear all the negative emotions and thoughts in the highest and best way. That you already know the power of this light of Creator and know how to align it with your energy system…..That it is possible & you are worthy to do so & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition, understanding, and highest truth on what it feels like to accept the non-judgmental & unconditional love of the Creator. You already understand that this non-judgmental love is always available for you regardless of your past, present & future decisions/behavior. You already know that it is your birth right to deserve this non-judgmental and unconditional love of the Creator regardless of your gender, your ethnic background, and your social status. You already know how to love yourself in a non-judgmental way That you already see the greatest gifts within yourself….That it is possible & you are worthy of this love & that you are already doing it in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition and highest truth on death. That your understanding of it and Creator’s are the same. Would you like to know that death is only the cessation of the physical body which you have come to experience on this plane, but your soul is alive for all eternities since it is a spark of God… it is endless & immortal. Would you like to know how to deal with the separation with minimum pain and grief and how to honor and respect the soul journey & free will of those who have decided to leave this existence, knowing in your heart that you are always connected to them on a soul level . Would you like to know how to honor their life and how to keep their memory alive through love instead of sorrow.That it is possible & safe for you to live your daily life with that awareness and that you are already doing so in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon.
Would you like to know Creator’s perspective, definition and highest truth about the universal divine knowledge that is within your reach to grab in this universe? That you are worthy of tapping into that knowledge and empower yourself without the fear of misusing it or becoming egoistic. That this knowledge is your tool to awaken this planet and fulfill your divine timing. Would you like to know that every cell in your body is longing for that knowledge, and that you know how to live without creating excuses/resistance/delay/or postponing your chance to receive it? That it is possible & safe for you to live your daily life being one with that knowledge and that you are already doing so in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon.
Would you like to know Creator’s definition, perspective, understanding and the highest truth on instant healing and miracles? That you are deserving and worthy to heal instantly and witness daily miracles on all aspects of your life, on yourself, your family, your DNA, your job? That you are able to change your life in the way that you desire and to your favor in any situations instantly. That you already know how to have positive changes instantly and already know what it feels like to experience these positive changes in your life. That you already know how to live with miracles every day on this planet. Would you like to know that your suffering is over and complete and that you are ready to move forward and enjoy the miracles in your life. And that it is possible & safe for you to live your daily life being one with instant changes and miracles and that you are already doing so in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life heart emoticon.
Would you like to know Creator’s definition, understanding, perspective, and the highest truth on how to live without compulsive fear. That you already know what it feels like to live without compulsive fear. That your days of fear are over and complete. That you know how to release yourself from the obligations of learning through fear. That it is possible and safe for you to let go of all trauma related to fearful situations and thoughts. That you already how to change your vibrations instantly from fear to love. That you already know how to bring peace and love to replace fear in your energy system. And that it is possible & safe for you to live your daily life without compulsive fear and that you are already doing so in the now.
Say YES to receive the energy in the highest & best on your core, genetic, history & soul levels, in every cell of your physical and auric bodies , all walks of life in all languages across time, space, dimensions, and realities.